Tuesday, December 31, 2019

5 Ways to Have More Best Days at Work

5 Ways to Have More Best Days at Work 5 Ways to Have More Best Days at Work Article by Teala WilsonThink about the last time you had a best day at work. What happened?For some people, these best days involve being a problem-solving herbeio. Others like being a valued contributor of a team working on a particularly challenging project. A really great day at work could even be one when someone is given a new level of responsibility on their team.Whatever the reason for your best day, having one probably felt energizing and invigorating. Now, youre probably itching to have mora days just like it.If you could have more control over how many best days you have, I bet youd jump at the chance. In fact, many people would In 2016, The Conference Board found that a little more than half of American workers were unhappy at work.Why Should You Want to Have More Best Days at Work?Back in the 1980s, the concept of work-life balance gained popularity as a way of conceptualizing the separation bet ween the personal and the professional. Before that, people spoke about work-leisure balance.Both terms are a little misleading, though. The idea that you must balance work against life or leisure suggests that any tipping of the scales in either direction is a problem. The bigger problem is that our obsessions with work-life balance can make us forget were still living life when were at work.Our workplace ambitions are often rooted in our personal ambitions. We are personally attached to the work we produce. We take personal pride in our work accomplishments and want to talk to our friends and families about them.It makes sense that we want more best days at work because we want more best days in life.What Can You Do to Have More Best Days at Work?Lets say you get a solid eight hours of sleep every night. That leaves you with 112 waking hours per week, more than a third of which you spend working (if youre a full-time employee). Having some control over whether or bedrngnis those h ours are any good is important. Think about it For you to enjoy life, and for your employer to benefit, youll have to enjoy what you do for a living.Here are some ways to help yourself have more best days1. Understand Why Your Work MattersIf you dont knowhow your work contributes to team, department, and organizational goals, its easy to feel like youre spinning your wheels with no real purpose. Even if you think you clearly understand how you fit into the big picture, it may be beneficial to sit down with your manager and discuss it. You might just gain some new insights into how your work drives organizational success Better yet, youll begin to understand your why, which canreally open your eyes tonew realizations and possibilities.2. Ask for Opportunities to GrowSeeking out opportunities for growth, like skill-building courses or new assignments slightly outside your comfort zone, shows your willingness to meet new challenges. When you have a growth mindset, you can learn from ev erything you do.3. Work With People You Like and TrustWorking with a cohesive team of people who are invested in the work theyre doing is a gift. When trust is strong, people are more open to ideas, information, and even being challenged. Building solid team relationships can open the door to more opportunities for growth. Its not about working with your best friends its about working with people who help you be better.4. Be Confident in Being Yourself at WorkNo one should have to put on a work persona when clocking in. Itsstressful to hide parts of yourself out of fear you wont be accepted. Theres some evidence it can hurt your career, but it can also damage companies that dont value inclusion.5. Speak Up WhenProblems AriseWork can be tough, but nothing will change if you dont stand up to say something. Before you assume the answer to what you want is no, have a conversation about it, especially if youre considering looking elsewhere for work. Need more time with your manager? Ask. Not sure how youre doing? Ask. Having a hard time with a project or another person? Speak up.You can have more best days by staying authentic, honest, and curious. When you take an active role in seeking out the opportunities, feedback, and information you need to thrive, youll feel more connected to the people around you and more invested in the goals youre working to achieve.A version of this article originally appeared on SUCCESS.com.Teala Wilson is a talent management consultant at Saba Software. She supports HR professionals on national and global levels in areas such as performance management, recruitment, employee benefit programs, training and talent development, workforce planning, and internal communications. In her spare time, Tealaenjoys visual arts and design.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Human Resources Director Job Description

Human Resources Director Job DescriptionHuman Resources Director Job DescriptionHuman Resources Director Job DescriptionThis menschengerecht resources director sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Human Resources Director Job ResponsibilitiesPromotes and implements human resource values by planning and managing human resources programs directing staff.Human Resources Director Job DutiesDevelops organization strategies by identifying and researching human resources issues contributing information, analysis, and recommendations to organization strategic thinking and direction establishing human resources objectives in line with organizational objectives.Implements human resources strategies by establishing department accountabilities, including talent acquisition, staffing, employment processing, c ompensation, health and welfare benefits, training and development, records management, safety and health, succession planning, employee relations and retention, AA/EEO compliance, and labor relations.Manages human resources operations by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining staff planning, monitoring, appraising, and reviewing staff job contributions maintaining compensation determining production, productivity, quality, and customer-service strategies designing systems accumulating resources resolving problems implementing change.Develops human resources operations financial strategies by estimating, forecasting, and anticipating requirements, trends, and variances aligning monetary resources developing action plans measuring and analyzing results initiating corrective actions minimizing the impact of variances.Accomplishes special project results by identifying and clarifying issues and priorities communicating and coordinating requir ements expediting fulfillment evaluating milestone accomplishments evaluating optional courses of action changing assumptions and direction.Supports management by providing human resources advice, counsel, and decisions analyzing information and applications.Guides management and employee actions by researching, developing, writing, and updating policies, procedures, methods, and guidelines communicating and enforcing organization values.Complies with federal, state, and local legal requirements by studying existing and new legislation anticipating legislation enforcing adherence to requirements advising management on needed actions.Updates job knowledge by participating in conferences and educational opportunities reading professional publications maintaining personal networks participating in professional organizations.Enhances department and organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests exploring opportunities to add value to job acco mplishments.Human Resources Director Skills and QualificationsHuman Resources Management, Hiring, Developing Standards, Foster Teamwork, Management Proficiency, Managing Profitability, Promoting Process Improvement, Building Relationships, Organizational Astuteness, People Skills, Retaining EmployeesEmployers Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Human Resources Director Jobs and apply on now. Read more about how to bewerbungsinterviewThe 10 Best Interview Questions to AskHow to Interview Like a ProfessionalHow to Interview for In Demand Jobs

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Business Owners Resume Riddle

The Business Owners Resume RiddleThe Business Owners Resume RiddleDo you call yourself the CEO?The resume of an entrepreneur isnt fundamentally different from the resume of any of the employees in a large organization. But the nature of the entrepreneurs role in a company and the tasks he performs creates unique hurdles when crafting a resume for the business owner.For the most part, it all comes down to words, said Steve Burdan, a certified professional resume writer based in Chicago who works with Ladders. A hiring manager will elend necessarily read between the lines to understand what you did in your own employment and why you want to work for their company.Roles and responsibilitiesThe trouble starts with the business owners title, Burdan said. Does consultant or freelancer fit the bill? Does president fully explain the work youve been doing? Its leid necessary to have your resume mirror the title you are applying for, Burdan said. Think about what you did for your company. If y ou are looking for a vice president or president role, you dont necessarily have to give yourself that title. Sometimes, general manager stands apart from VP or president and gives the sense of overarching responsibility.Theres also the matter of overstating your rank. Too often, business owners include inflated titles, such as president and CEO, Burdan said. He advises against those titles, even if thats what the individuals business card said.The rationale boils down to perception Theres a big difference between being the president of a one-person company and being the president of General Electric, and, in most cases, its wise to dial it back to avoid being seen as exaggerating your role, he said. If you were a one-person operation, then use principal. A franchise owner would be an owner-operator. It can be difficult for a business owner to capture the breadth and scope of her roles and responsibilities in a title, especially when the sole proprietor wears many hats, Burdan said. Here he recommended the self-employed job seeker make use of the resume profile section to spell out not what she did in her old job but how she can leverage her experience to deliver for an employer. Think of it as a branding statement, with yourself as the brand, he said. It should highlight your skill set and give the hiring manager a clear idea of what you can do.The consultants many jobsFor independent contractors, it is important to list the clients you performed work for as a way to highlight your professional credibility among peers. On the other hand, listing the many jobs and relationships of a consultants career presents its own problems, Burdan said.A contractor may have dozens of clients, concurrent engagements and overlapping projects that can appear confusing if listed chronologically as separate jobs on a resume. It creates an unnecessarily long document and can confuse the hiring manager, Burdan said. Instead, he recommended combining them within the job description s and highlighting key successes as accomplishments.What about the client relationships that went south or projects that didnt work out? Just dont list them, Burdan said. Never lie, but leaving something off your resume is not the same thing as making something up. If it wasnt a good fit, it didnt work out and it isnt relevant to your search, then its OK to skip it, he said. If someone took a short-term job, and that job blew up, I would suggest they leave that job off the resume, he said. Its all about giving impressions you dont want to give impression that you jump from one job to the next.The rest is Resume 101. Be clear. Be concise. Rewrite you cant have a one-size-fits-all resume, he said. The job search is a race youve got to gain any kind of edge that you can, without using steroids.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Paper Abstracts Now Being Accepted for IMECE 2018

Paper Abstracts Now Being Accepted for IMECE 2018 Paper Abstracts Now Being Accepted for IMECE 2018 Paper Abstracts Now Being Accepted for IMECE 2018Jan. 26, 2018 The organizers of the ASME 2018 grenzberschreitend Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2018) in Pittsburgh, Pa., are now accepting abstracts from authors who would like to present a technical paper at IMECE the largest interdisciplinary mechanical engineering conference in the world. The deadline to submit an abstract for the conference, which will take place from Nov. 9 to 15 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, is Feb. 26.This years IMECE technical program will feature 16 technical tracks focusing on a variety of engineering areas including advanced manufacturing energy advances in aerospace technology biomedical and biotechnology engineering engineering education heat transfer and thermal engineering dynamics, vibration, and control mechanics of solids, structures and fluids materials fluids engineering design, reliability, safety and risk micro- and nanosystems engineering and packaging and acoustics, vibration, and phononics.Abstracts are also being accepted for three poster sessions that will be held at IMECE 2018 the ASME International Undergraduate Research and Design Expo, the National Science Foundation (NSF) Student Competition, and the Virtual Podium.Abstracts must be submitted online at asmeconferences.org/IMECE2018/Login.cfm by Feb. 26. Authors will be notified of their abstracts acceptance by March 19. Papers must be submitted for review by April 30.To submit an abstract for IMECE 2018, visit the IMECE page on ASME.org at go.asme.org/IMECE. To view the full publication schedule, visit www.asmeconferences.org/IMECE2018/PublicationSchedule.cfm.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Learn How to Pitch to the CEO of a Company

Learn How to Pitch to the CEO of a CompanyLearn How to Pitch to the CEO of a CompanyMany salespeople dream of selling their product straight to the top of the food chain. Selling to the CEO helps you to cut through all the red tape that normally goes along with selling to a medium or large company, and you dont have to worry about being overruled by his boss Impressing a C-suite decision maker requires a little extra work on your part. Research Once you get the appointment, your first step is to start doing research. CEOs will expect you to know the basics about their company and themselves. Fortunately, most of the information you need will be easily available on the Internet. Look for details like the companys size (e.g. annual revenue), how long its been in business, whether its publicly or privately owned, what products or services it offers, and what industry its in. Dig a little deeper to uncover details about the nature of the competition, whether the company has had recen t successes or failures, any new legislation that might affect it, and what the companys biggest challenges are likely to be. Dont forget to look at the CEOs hintergrund as well- at a minimum, you should know how long hes been in his current position, where he held his previous position, and who he replaced (and why). If you can, also look for details on his style of doing business and for the approaches he advocates for the company. The details you dig up in your research will help you in two ways. First, you can mention importantbits and pieces during your meeting and thus show the CEO that youve done your homework. Second, some of this background information can be extremely helpful in tuning your pitch. For example, if you discover that your prospect company recently hired the current CEO because the company has fallen behind in market share, thats a pretty powerful motivator that you can tie into your presentation. The Meeting An effective sales meeting with a CEO or other C-suite member has four specific parts Introduce yourself, mentioning any sponsors who helped you get this meeting. Then state your goal for the meeting and get the CEOs buy-in on it. The goal you choose should express a benefit for both yourself and your prospect. For example, your goal might be to strategize with your prospect on ways that your company can help his comply with recent legislation. The whole introduction should be brief, taking up perhaps 10 minutes of an hour-long meeting.Its time to start asking some smart questions. This is your chance to show off your newly-acquired knowledge of the prospects company and to dig for deeper insights. Some salespeople are afraid to ask C-suite prospects a lot of questions because they think theyll come off as ignorant, but if youve taken the time to learn the basic details youre more likely to impress the CEO with your willingness to learn more. Ask open-ended questions and take notes on the answers. Plan on taking roughly half the meeting just to ask questions and gather information. Bring out your sales pitch. Keep your focus on solutions rather than products the goal here is to show that youre taking the information the CEO just gave you regarding his needs and using it to work with him on possible fixes. Ideally, you should express your solutions in terms of how they will help both the company as a whole and the CEO personally. Keep your pitch brief (10 to 15 minutes for an hour-long meeting) by trimming out all the slides about your company and your products. The focus should remain on the prospect, not on you.? Wrap up the meeting by determining the next steps. In the best case, the next step would be starting the purchase process. If your prospect isnt ready to make the leap, then get his approval on what you will do next. For example, you might set a date for a follow-up meeting to which you will bring an expert from your company who can further explore possible solutions.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Top Lab Skills Resume Secrets

Top Lab Skills Resume Secrets Create your basic resume which you are able to reduce whenever you will need. The technique modules comprise the majority of the class. After all, its full of information which may be gleaned from different pieces of your application. If youre most likely to send work application for virtually any health care records specialist posture make certain that your application is educated and thoroughly customized to the specific job. When there are available work in the area, there could be lots of competition for coveted positions in some specific facilities. Lab techs must understand how to calibrate, operate, troubleshoot and take care of the equipment. In industry, even if you are working in a research lab, you cannot operate by yourself with the sole goal of getting more data as you could have done during your postdoc or PhD. Using our chemist resume sample can help you shape your resume in the document that employers will see and bear in mind, h elping you have the job that you desire. Also, if youre interested in investment banking career, be certain to check investment banking cover letter writing tips. Securing a job for a chemist can be exceedingly competitive. In addition, you can find out more about healthcare careers on Monster. There are various varieties of jobs offered for people interested in research. In them, youll find an assortment of work in the chemistry industry which can help you tailor your own resume according to a particular position youre seeking. Or it may be used as a healthcare stepping-stone job. Medical technologists must take part in scientific research, as part of meakoranverss to enhance their expertise at work, to find out cause and effect of particular illnesses, with the goal of procuring both preventive and treatment methods to tackle such ailments. There are a number of kinds of resumes for accountant careers on the net, likewise covering almost the full accounting segment. This li st is the majority of the reading for the training course. Each resume format has their very own own platzset of advantages and disadvantages for assorted kinds of job hunters, so make sure that you select sensibly. Deciding upon the right resume format is important whether you want to receive the necessary job. It is important if you would like to buy the desired job. Your skills come everywhere if you know of how skilled youre, or how well youve polished your skills through the years, it is easy to see your way through the resume. Writing skills are also critical for many unique jobs. Analytical skills are useful in lots of ways. More than every other transferable job skills, your interpersonal skills will find out whether or not you get work in industry.First off, you must discover the suitable job offerone that fits with your professional interests and experience level. Therefore, its far better to highlight your abilities and the simple fact which you have acquired mul tiple talents, instead of drawing attention to how youve jumped from place to position. Obviously, each job will call for unique abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the work description carefully and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. If youre searching for jobs as a chemist, youre want to put to use a specific set of job seeking skills. Key skills are work-related skills that you want to do a job. Technical skills turn you into a valuable commodity for potential employers and has to be correctly highlighted to demonstrate your worth. They are either something you have or you dont, but they are always something that you can learn. 3 First, you have to pick the best skills for your resume. If youre a new graduate, its OK to not have a lot of expertise that would be expected. Actually, there are dozens and dozens of skills you can have. Bear in mind, the majority of the special skills that you set on your resume ought to be job-related skills take n from the work description and your best transferable skills. To enhance your probability of being hired, its important to decide on a format which showcases your projects experience, skills and abilities in the utmost effective strategy.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Stop! Youre Overlooking the Best Candidates in Your Talent Pool

Stop Youre Overlooking the Best Candidates in Yur Talent PoolSome of the best candidates are not the most obvious hires because theyre hidden in plain sight.This is what Shally Steckerl from The Sourcing Institute shared when we asked him why some of the best candidates in your talent swimmingpool are often not the most obvious hires. His response takes a minute to digest. What does hidden in plain sight really mean? For most hiring experts, it means taking a step back and getting out of your own way. While the perfect candidates traditionally have the right amount of experience and skills, they may not be the best fit overall. Instead, hiring pros should fill their talent pool with people who fit into their tribe, as Steckerl puts it. Go out and recruit the way you network in your personal life find people you like. Look beyond the obvious job description skills and dig deeper into soft skills, future potential, and cultural fit. That is when youll start filling your talent pool wi th candidates worthy of your tribe.Read on for the full transcript and all of Steckerls advice for finding your tribe and filling your talent poolSo, the question is, why do I think some of the best candidates are not the most obvious hires?Look For Soft SkillsWell, I think some of the best candidates are not the most obvious hires because theyre hidden in plain sight. What I mean by that is, we very often overlook people in the talent pool who have macro commonalities that are similar to our needs and that meet our needs. We focus too much on the very overt skills and other requirements that are in the description.For example, the hiring manager says they want somebody who has the ability to do x, y, and z. Were looking for those obvious keywords and presence on someones profile or resume. But, the reality is that, when hiring for experience, what someone has done in the past doesnt necessarily predict that theyre going to be able to do it again in the future, in a different enviro nment.Focus On Future PotentialKeep in mind that what we are able to do in the future, doesnt really have much to do with what weve done in the past. Some of the greatest paradigm shifts and discoveries have come from people who are outside of an industry. For that reason, sometimes we need to find people who are talented but havent done exactly that job. However, they do have the potential of growing into that job. And, those are going to be much better hires than people that have already done it and may not necessarily be interested in doing it again.Also, they might be looking at things from a very different angle and bringing new ideas to the same problems as before.Find Their TribeThe question is, how do recruiters uncover those hidden talents people who are hidden in plain sight, so to speak?Well, heres my secret. Find the tribe and you find the talent. In other words, people like what they like and like attracts like. So, just do as we do in real life. In person, in flesh an d blood, we tend to hang out online with people who share the same proclivities as we do. For example, in modern day social networking, youre likely to identify with a particular group or even a type of social media platform and be more comfortable using it.Thats why some folks are on Facebook, some are on Twitter, some are on Instagram, and some are on Pinterest. Thats also why there are so many different flavors. Theres not just one single flavor of social networking.Nowadays, we have to first ask the question, where is the tribe? Then, we can go to that location rather than trying to attract the talent to come to us. We can go to where they are in their native habitat. We must identify where they hang out know for sure whether theyre on Twitter or Facebook or on LinkedIn or wherever. Thats how we can figure out how to source for our talent pool from that location and how to attract people on that location and talk to them in a way that they want to be spoken to.Think About Macro CommonalitiesTo find the unobvious hires, we have to go back to those macro commonalities. Macro commonalities are, for example, people who have a certain affinity for say, problem-solving.Im a sourcer, Ive been a sourcer for over 20 years. I know what it takes to be a sourcer and I like to do things that other sourcers also like to do. That doesnt mean that were going to necessarily be doing the same job. For example, you may know somebody who is very good at lateral thinking and problem solving and has a tenacious attitude, doesnt give up, and will continue looking until they find something.These people might have jobs like a librarian, a journalist, or an investigative journalist. And, these are people who have the skills inherently because of their aptitude to do the job of a sourcer even though they may not be doing it right now.So, for me, I can find other sourcers for my talent pool in all kinds of other professions and train them on how to become sourcers because I know wha t it takes to do the job without necessarily having done it already.We encourage you to connect with Shally on LinkedIn.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

6 Red Flags Employers See in Your Job History

6 Red Flags Employers See in Your Job History6 Red Flags Employers See in Your Job HistoryLong before you get to a job interview, hiring managers are forming opinions about you based on your resume and your job history. Here are six of the most common red flags they look for.1. You have multiple short-term jobs. If you have a history of quickly moving from one job to the next without staying very long, employers will wonder whether you get bored easily, or cant keep a job, or dont know how to identify the right fit for yourself. If you do have good reasons for the job changes (such as a spouse in the military), make sure to fill in your interviewer quickly so she doesnt draw the wrong conclusions.2. You quit your last job with nothing else lined up. Since most people line up a new job before quitting an old one, employers raise their eyebrows if you left without something new waiting. They wonder what the real story is Did you blow up one day and walk off the job in a fit of anger? D o you get upset at work and make impulsive and rash decisions? Were you actually fired but trying to claim you left on your own?3. You were laid off from your last job. While plenty of layoffs are about company cutbacks or restructuring, employers know that companies sometimes use them as an opportunity to get rid of lower performers. To combat this question, be sure to mention if your whole team or division was let go. If you were the only one laid off, that raises more questions than if you were part of a group that was laid off.4. Youve been unemployed for a while. Even in this economy, some hiring managers look at long-term unemployed candidates and wonder if theres a reason that other employers havent hired them. Fortunately, many employers do understand that it can take time for even good candidates to find work in this market- but its important to show that youve been spending your time volunteering, building your skills, or something other than a year-long job search.5. You have large gaps between jobs. When employers see gaps of unemployment, they wonder what happened during that time. Did you leave the previous job with nothing lined up, and if so, why? (See No. 2) Were you working somewhere that youve deliberately left off your resume, and if so, what are you hiding? Gaps raise questions that you dont want on a hiring managers mind.6. None of your past managers are on your reference list. If you only offer peers as references, or other people who didnt directly supervise your work, hiring managers are going to wonder why. Managers are usually best able to speak to the quality of your work and your strengths and weaknesses, and steering reference-checkers away from those conversations can be a red flag. Plus, employers will usually ask to be put in touch with your past managers anyway.Alison Green writes the popular Ask a Manager blog, where she dispenses advice on career, job search, and management issues. Shes also the co-author of Managing to Chan ge the World The Nonprofit Managers Guide to Getting Results, and former chief of staff of a successful nonprofit organization, where she oversaw day-to-day staff management, hiring, firing, and employee development.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Preparing for Careers in Criminology, Criminal Justice

Preparing for Careers in Criminology, Criminal JusticePreparing for Careers in Criminology, Criminal JusticeAfter all of the pomp and circumstance, after the parties and gifts and celebrations, and after all of the joy and excitement of college graduation, reality soon sets in. Youre going to have to do something with that degree of yours, arent you? Though some graduates with bachelors degrees in criminology or criminal justice will already have jobs lined up and waiting for them, many will not. Thats why its important to have a plan to get started on landing your new career. The good nachrichten is, the fields of criminology and criminal justice offer plenty of opportunities for people of all education levels. The bad news is, it can often take a lot of time and a lot of work to get hired. Figuring out what you want to do and how you want to do it now can save you plenty of time and heartache in the future. Whether youre just starting your college education, getting ready to walk a cross the stage, or even if youve been out of school for years, there are plenty of things that you can do after graduation to help you choose and find criminal justice and criminology careers. Determining a Career Path Obviously, before you can start a career, youll have to figure out exactly what it is you want to do. There are plenty of considerations that should go into finding the career in criminal justice or criminology thats right for you. They include taking a personal assessment of your natural talents and abilities, as well as your personal interests and strengths. One way to find out what career might be best for you is to look into some of the most popular criminal justice jobs available right now. These include police officers, probation and parole officers, detectives and investigators, paralegals and legal secretaries. If those careers dont do it for you, there are plenty of other options available to you. You can choose to go the academic route, perhaps to prepa re for a career as a criminologist or forensic psychologist. You may also be interested in learning more about working in forensics. The role of a forensic scientist can include some fascinating and truly intellectually stimulating work. It also allows for an almost infinite number of specialties within the field, including ballistics experts, bloodstain pattern analysts, and forensic computer investigators. Because forensics is a relatively young discipline, theres ample room for growth and diversification within the field.? Getting Started on the Job HuntAfter youve settled on the career path you want to pursue, youre going to need to begin the actual job search. In hunting for jobs, be sure to make use of the four keys to job search success cold calling, informational interviews, networking, and perseverance. In the age of the internet, of course, you cant discount the efficacy of job boards and career sites. Though there are limits to what you may find, online job search sites c an be an effective way to find a job or get a better picture of what may be available to you.? Background Checks and the Hiring ProcessOne important thing to remember about careers in criminology and criminal justice is that the hiring process can be lengthy and grueling. Extensive background investigations are often required, and polygraph exams may be administered. You may also be subjected to physical abilities tests and psychological assessments in order to determine your suitability for the job, depending on your career choice. Should You Go to Grad School? Of course, you may ultimately decide that youre not yet ready to leave college. If thats the case, there are plenty of benefits to earning a masters degree in criminal justice or criminology. In fact, many federal law enforcement careers give preference to candidates with either extensive work experience or advanced diplomas. Finding Success in Criminology and Criminal Justice Whatever you endeavor to do, you can hop e to find a long and rewarding career so long as you are willing to put forth the time and effort. Study hard, work hard, and maintain a clean background, and youll put yourself in the best possible position to land a great job in a great field.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tips for Understanding Nonverbal Communication at Work

Tips for Understanding Nonverbal Communication at WorkTips for Understanding Nonverbal Communication at WorkIs therbeie ever any doubt in your mind as to the mood of a coworker upon their arrival at work? Nonverbal communication is the single most powerful form of communication. More than the voice or even words, nonverbal communication cues you into what is on another parties mind. The best communicators are sensitive to the power of emotions and thoughts communicated nonverbally. Nonverbal communication ranges from facial expression to body language. Gestures, signs, and use of space are also important in understanding nonverbal communication. Multicultural differences in body language, facial expression, use of space, and especially, gestures, are enormous and enormously open to misinterpretation. So, heed the need to become culturally sensitive before making an interpretation of body language that might or might not inform you of what the individual actually thinks. This also app lies to other nonverbal interpretation of a coworkers thinking or meaning. Some people are more sensitive to the meanings of nonverbal communication. Others are simply guessing. How Much of an Expert Are You in Understanding Nonverbal Communication? To gauge your expertise in interpreting nonverbal communication, check out the nonverbal communication interpretation quiz questions from the University of California at Santa Cruz. Each link leads to pictorial quiz questions and explanations. One of the funniest- yet at the same time, saddest- nonverbal exchanges witnessed occurred in the registrars office at a major university. A multinational student tried to communicate his problem to an older, white female. He gesticulated constantly, waving his hands to punctuate his communication. He tried to narrow the distance between himself and the university employee, who kept backing away to maintain herdesired amount of distance for her comfort. By the end of the conversation, the stude nt was chasing her the length of the countertop still gesturing with his hands heatedly. The employee, who obviously was not an expert at understanding nonverbal communication or recognizing the cultural differences mentioned earlier, was afraid. She indicated in a later conversation that she had been terrified of the student who was merely trying to tell her that he had already paid the bill he had just received from the university. The Significance of Understanding Nonverbal Communication One study at UCLA indicated that up to 93 percent of communication effectiveness is determined by nonverbal cues. Another study indicated that the impact of a performance was determined 7 percent by the words used, 38 percent by voice quality, and 55 percent by the nonverbal communication. If you want to mask your feelings or your immediate reaction to information, pay close attention to your nonverbal behavior. You may have your voice and words under control, but your body language, includin g the tiniest facial expressions and movement, can give your true thoughts and feelings away. Most people are really open books, especially to a skilled reader of nonverbal cues. No matter your position at work, improving your skill in interpreting nonverbal communication will add to your ability to share meaning with another person.Shared meaningis a preferred definition of communication. The correct interpretation of nonverbal communication will add depth to your ability to communicate. Tips for Understanding Nonverbal Communication Recognize that people communicate on many levels. Watch their facial expressions, eye contact, posture, hand and feet movements, body movement and placement, and appearance and passage as they walk toward you. Every gesture is communicating something if you listen with your eyes. Become accustomed to watching nonverbal communication and your ability to read nonverbal communication will grow with practice.If a persons words say one thing and their n onverbal communication says another, you are wont to listen to the nonverbal communication- and that is usually the correct decision. Assess job candidates based on their nonverbal communication. You can read volumes from how the applicant sits in the lobby. Nonverbal communication during an interview should also elucidate the candidates skills, strengths, weaknesses, and concerns for you.Probe nonverbal communication during an investigation or other situation in which you need facts and believable statements. Again, the nonverbal may reveal more than the persons spoken words.When leading a meeting or speaking to a group, recognize that nonverbal cues can tell you when youve talked long enough, when someone else wants to speak, and the mood of the crowd and their reaction to your remarks. Listen to them and youll become a better leader and a better speaker and communicator. Understanding nonverbal communication improves with practice. The first step is to recognize the power of non verbal communication. Youve surely experienced a time when you had the gut feeling that what a person said to you was untrue. Listen to your gut. Its your way of taking in and interpreting everything you see and hear from your coworkers body language, movement, the tone of voice, words, and whether all of ansicht components of communication match Along with your life experiences, training, beliefs and all that make up your past, its your inner expert on nonverbal communication.